About the Guildford-Mukono Link
The Guildford Mukono Link was established in 2003 to foster an understanding between our two communities.
It is through friendship that we have found many ways of working together.
Originally links were formed with schools, but over time this has been extended to include institutions and individuals in both communities.
Many of the initiatives have developed spontaneously from chance meetings whilst others have arisen because a need has been identified but all are based on respect for each other's culture and institutions.
There are now ten linked schools and, with support from the British Council, many teachers from Mukono and Guildford have visited their linked schools.
They have been able to experience the different teaching methods and understand the challenges that face their linked schools.
Mukono schools lack resources, have up to 140 students in each class and follow a curriculum that requires much learning of facts but less attention to understanding while Guildford schools face the challenge of keeping children focused and motivated.
The sharing of projects and letters has helped bring an understanding and respect of each other as a people.
Every year a group from Guildford visits Mukono to renew friendships and visitors have the opportunity to spend time in classrooms, visit farms, see the facilities in hospitals and meet the people of Mukono in many situations.
Through these informal meetings, many project ideas have been conceived:
four teachers' houses have been built, three school rain water harvesting schemes set up, three bore holes created and four school dormitories built, along with ten classrooms and two wood lots.
There was a student sponsorship scheme to support orphans through university. Ten students have gained degrees. Two graduates now run their own schools, one works as a journalist for New Vision newspaper and another works as a Civil Servant.
650 children within three of our linked schools are now learning football, handball and netball skills and take part in District and National tournaments. Two teams this year won silver and bronze trophies at national level. The Casey Trust has helped to finance this project.
Fifty musical instruments have been sent out for the music school and band called Keynotes.
An annual science workshop for primary school teachers is delivered by a retired Guildford teacher.
A workshop for forty teachers was organised for teaching reading. An economics workshop for one hundred sixth-formers has been held.
Many initiatives have started because visitors from Guildford have realised they can see a way of contributing to the benefit of Mukono and at the same time develop a deeper understanding of the links between the two communities.